YieldPlus® Debone/Trim Management System

Deboning Trimming Equipment

Gain the advantages of the industry's sophisticated yet user-friendly yield management system

The YieldPlus® Debone/Trim Management System brings together the advanced product distribution and data collection capabilities of Cantrell•Gainco with the yield-enhancing and labor-saving trimmer technologies of Bettcher Industries to deliver impressive results.

Benefits & Features

Our unique system helps processors get "more out of their meat" and deliver more profit to the bottom line – as much as 5% or more product yield! You can achieve labor cost reductions of up to 25%.

Because of our modular design approach, we can easily build a YieldPlus system to meet the precise needs of your plant.

We offer three base models covering key applications:

  • YieldPlus Dark Meat
  • YieldPlus Case Ready
  • YieldPlus Big Bird

A yield management system for every need...

System Flexibility

  • A system design that accommodates future expansion, such as 4-station extension units that are completely prewired and ready for “plug-and-play” installation
  • Multiple workstations – up to 28 stations
  • Single-sided or two-sided operation
  • Single or dual byproduct takeaway conveyors
  • Configurable finished product and byproduct flow to accommodate product flow and plant footprint limitations


Consider all the benefits you gain with a YieldPlus debone/trim management system from Cantrell•Gainco:

  • Improved product yields – up to 5% or more!
  • Improved product quality and appearance
  • The potential for significant labor savings (reduced staffing requirements) and better worker productivity – including the ability to accurately measure performance through automated product distribution and individual operator accountability
  • Extensive real-time management reporting capabilities
  • A sanitary system that's engineered for rugged durability, easy maintenance and cleaning – as well as no product waste on the floor
  • The lowest operating cost of any system of its kind due to fewer electronic components plus a rugged equipment design
  • A highly attractive return on investment and quick payback period


The design of a YieldPlus yield management system gives you the tools you need to maximize your yields, measure your success, and drive more profits to the bottom line:

  • It begins and ends in the control room where your supervisors set up operator stations, scoreboard data and QC defects.
  • Quality criteria are set up based upon your customers’ specific requirements.
  • Incoming product is automatically batch-weighed and distributed to an ergonomically designed operator workstation.
  • Product distribution is controlled to each operator to ensure that a constant and consistent amount of product is available – with no overfilling or running out of product.
  • Batch integrity ensures individual operator accountability, along with complete confidence in the performance tracking data. 

Operator Stations

Operator stations are optionally equipped with Whizard® Trimmers that provide fast, efficient trimming with no bone contamination, as well as higher yield and a better-looking finished product.

Bones and trim are sent downstream to value-added or render operations.

QC/Inspection Station

An integrated QC/inspection station for finished product handling uses a touchscreen interface with graphical icons and multiple language capabilities to track specific quality defects by operator.

  • Multiple modes are available including 100% inspection, random inspection and others.
  • All inspection data are captured in real-time for reporting and analytical purposes.

Data Reporting

The YieldPlus debone/trim management system takes data collection and operator performance measurement to its greatest heights yet:

  • Real-time reporting of yield, quality, pounds-per-hour, pieces-per-minute and information by operator.
  • Performance data can be also posted on a digital scoreboard for each workstation "as it happens" for immediate and objective feedback, as well as for undertaking corrective actions by line managers.
  • Data reporting is captured for historical and trend analysis, as well as for establishing employee incentive pay programs to reward superior performance at the operator level.
  • The time and effort of compiling manual reports "after the fact" is no longer needed. Data can also be exported and incorporated into other reports. Multiple standard reports are available.
  • Data can be exported to existing plant IT systems.

Equipment Video

Success You Can Measure

Cantrell•Gainco, your dependable ally in increasing product yields, quality and safety

Talk with one of our specialists today to find out more about YieldPlus® Debone/Trim Management System.

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