Overhead Neck Skinner

Neck Cutting Skinning Equipment

Effective, accurate overhead neck skinning

Our Overhead Neck Skinner uses peeler rollers to remove the skin from poultry necks as they exit the Inside/Outside Bird Washer.

Benefits & Features

Our Overhead Neck Skinner, a 2-hp, chain driven machine, features two 1/4" valves to provide independent water pressure to the peeler rollers and skin trough wash. Two proximity switches provide an instant shut-off capability should an attempt be made to remove either of the lexan safety shields.

The unique built-in pivoting clamps enable the peeler roller safety guard to be removed in just seconds for wash-down without tools or fasteners. The equipment is available in both right-hand and left-hand models, is height adjustable to meet varying line requirements, and is constructed of top-quality stainless steel.

Accuracy and adjustability to meet your facility's requirements...

Equipment Literature

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